Saturday Happenings…

I can’t believe the weekend’s already halfway over….

Yesterday was a tough and stressful day, as I waited to find out of my neighbors in Sandy Hook are okay. I didn’t get a whole lot (if anything) done in the morning, because I was plopped in front of the computer waiting for news updates.

A Picture to Cheer You (or maybe just me) Up:

Winter 2011 188

Charlie (our cat) often drives us crazy, and we joke about sending him to the circus, but this weekend he has been absolutely the best. I swear he has a sixth sense about things…because whenever I’m feeling upset he jumps on my lap. Oh, and we’ve been letting him sleep on the bed (which is never ever ever allowed because he usually makes a big racket) – he’s been sleeping on my pillow and next to me:

2012-12-15 21.00.59

We have the best cat. Seriously.


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Overnight oats 4 a.m. oats in a nearly empty peanut butter jar.

  • 1/2 c. oats
  • Granny smith apple, chopped
  • 1 tbsp. ground flaxseed
  • Cinnamon
  • 1/2 c. unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • Some extra peanut butter Smile

*I only let it sit for about 5 minutes before eating…it actually tasted pretty good!

Also enjoyed with a hot cup of gingerbread coffee in a new Christmas mug (thanks Mary Frances & Becky!)

A few hours later, after being glued to the computer waiting for more information about my hometown, I ate some greek yogurt. I wasn’t really hungry at all, but it had been probably 4 hours since breakfast so I needed to eat something…

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*The Commissary on base sells these in a 4 pack for $1.75…a complete bargain, since greek yogurt cups usually cost about $1 each!


Bud and I had peanut butter & jelly sandwiches with a sliced granny smith apple…an easy and delicious lunch.

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And we had some delicious chocolates for dessert:

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Yum. We love Christmas candy. (Good thing, because we have a LOT of it in the cabinet…thanks Mary Frances, Becky, Uncle Andy, and Aunt Kelly!).


After running some errands, we shared a pizza (half chicken, half sausage & pepperoni) at Sal’s Famous NY Pizza. I’m glad I looked up a place before we left – it was really good!  (picture’s on Bud’s phone…sorry!). I know it’s way cheaper to make pizza at home, but hey, it’s fun to go out sometimes!

And besides, when you go out, you can laugh at license plates like this on the road:

2012-12-15 19.24.10

Hahahaha. We actually saw quite a few funny license plates last night, but this was the only one I thought to snap a picture of…

Sandy Hook Update:

Ever since Friday morning, I cannot stop thinking about my hometown. I think about how my parents are doing, how my neighbors with children are doing, how the teachers and staff at Sandy Hook Elementary are doing, how the families who lost a loved one are doing…

It’s a very, very sad time. I found out last night that all of my neighbors are ok, which is a relief, but I also know that their lives will never be the same.

I’m having trouble putting into words exactly how I’m feeling right now, but I want the world to know that Sandy Hook, CT was and will continue to be a wonderful place to live. It is filled with caring, intelligent people who will do anything for each other. The fall foliage is gorgeous, snow-covered trees should be in a White Christmas remake….I could go on and on

I am grateful to have been raised in Sandy Hook, and am proud to call it my hometown.

One thought on “Saturday Happenings…

  1. cleaneatingveggiegirl December 16, 2012 at 10:34 am Reply

    I have been obsessed with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches lately! They are just so good and I love a good classic meal. Reminds me of my childhood…though I think my adult version is probably much healthier (natural peanut butter, Ezekiel sprouted bread)…just as tasty though!

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