I’m Baaaack!

Why, hello there!

I was going through pictures on my computer today and realized that it’s been a MONTH since I’ve written….yikes!

A lot has happened since mid-December…here’s a quick update Smile

1. Bud and I stopped at Dogfish Brewery in Delaware on our drive to Connecticut. He was all about the beer, and I was all about the FOOD!




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2. I got to spend a day with Lilly, my maid of honor and friend since middle school!


3. Bud and I made pretzel chicken & cabbage rolls for New Years Eve dinner. Yum!

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Oh, and some Texas caviar!

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4. We found out that we’re moving to Millington, TN sometime this spring (for Bud’s Navy band).

5. I went to a really awesome money management workshop on base (for free!) and learned a ton about saving, making a budget, and preparing for retirement.

What I’ll remember most from the workshop (and I hope this helps you, too!): if you invest just $79 a month starting at age 25 in an IRA, you can be a 1/2 millionaire by age 65. If you wait until age 35, you’ll have to invest $221 a month. Yikes!

Another perk of the workshop: the instructor had a HUGE spread of goodies to snack on throughout the day, including chocolate cake balls with heart sprinkles on top. I’m thinking of signing up for all of the financial workshops, just so I can have some more of those cake balls! (this is a serious statement!).

Well…I didn’t realize I’d be starting this back up tonight, so I only snapped a picture of my dinner! Oh well…breakfast was a yogurt bowl, and lunch was the same as dinner, so you’re not missing much!

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I rarely cook chicken myself (for two reasons: Bud likes cooking, and I don’t really know how to do it), but I was wanting chicken tenders today so looked up an easy recipe. I ended up making Rachel Ray’s Baked Chicken Tenders, and they turned out really great! The only slight problem was I ran out of breadcrumbs (because I burnt the bread in the oven and could only use about half of it for crumbs!). On the side: leftover sweet n’ sour sauce from last weekend’s Chinese takout, and some tuscan-seasoned steamable broccoli.

Random thoughts from today:

  • We still have a TON of Christmas candy left!
  • I could listen to Taylor Swift’s “I Knew You Were Trouble” all day long
  • I wish we had cable tv so I could watch Lance Armstrong’s Oprah interview tomorrow. Believe it or not, I actually wrote my college application essay about his book. (I donated the book once all of this nonsense became public…)

Cute Picture of the Day:

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Have a great night!


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